[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Off-campus dinner next Thursday, June 23rd, 7PM

Alex Levin levin at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 17 11:22:02 EDT 2011

Fellow off-campus students,

Hope your summer is going well.  Kevin Cedrone and I are working with 
the off-campus subcommittee to help put on some fun off-campus community 
events for you all during the summer.  Our first one, a dinner at India 
Pavilion, is coming up next Thursday (details below).

Future events will including a brewery tour and a July 4th weekend 
brunch.  More details will come later.  In the meantime, if you have 
ideas for something you would like to do, or if you are able to organize 
an event for off-campus students, please let us know!

All the best,

Alex & Kevin

What: Off-campus dinner
When: Thursday, June 23rd, 7PM
Where: India Pavilion, 17 Central Square, Cambridge, MA
Cost: Free or heavily subsidized
RSVP: Please visit https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=2144767686
If your plans change and you cannot make the dinner, please cancel your 
RSVP at the same site to make room for those on the waiting list

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