[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Two great events tomorrow (Saturday)

Alex Levin levin at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 29 12:12:56 EDT 2011

Fellow off-campus students,

Kevin and I would like to let you know about two fun things that are going on
tomorrow: an Asian street food festival at Sidney Pacific and a house party
around Kendall Square.  Details are below.

As always, we would like to invite you to organize an event for the off-campus
community.  Doing so is fun and easy, and we can help with funding and


Kevin & Alex
GSC off-campus co-chairs

1. Asian Street food festival
2. House party in Kendall Square


1. *Event:* *Asian Street Food Festival*
*When:* Saturday, Jul 30, 7:30-10pm, SP Courtyard (70 Pacific Street, Cambridge,
*Description:* Asian street food summer market style, booths in the
courtyard with food from Japan, China, Singapore, Korea and other Asian
Collaboration with KGSA, CSSA, JAM and MITSSS
*Contact**: *sp-vp-reslife at mit.edu

2. *Event:* House party
*When:* Saturday, July 30, 8PM
*Where:* Kendall Square, very close to the T stop.  You are asked to please
RSVP, and the host will send you the exact location.
*RSVP:* Harry Jenq (hjenq at mit.edu).  Guests are welcome.

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