[Gsc-hca-offcampus] GSC: Legislative Action Kick-Off

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 1 14:23:57 EST 2010

Hi Off-Campus Grads,
Sorry for the second email of the week, but I just received this and it 
may be of interest to some of you.
~Jeff Chambers

GSC Legislative Action Kick-Off Meeting

Time: Thursday, Feb 4, 6-7P
Location: Meet at 50-220 (Walker Memorial)

The GSC Legislative Action is a cross-campus initiative to represent 
graduate student interests in Washington DC from Capitol Hill to the 
White House. In collaboration with the National Assoc. of 
Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS), our grassroots advocacy campaign 
is leading efforts on Capitol Hill for a federal tax-exempt status for 
stipends, removing the H1-B visa quota for advanced-degree holders, and 
open access to federally-funded research.

Be a part of local and national grassroots advocacy efforts to improve 
graduate student life on a national level.  Members will have the 
opportunity to meet with Congressional members and federal officials in 
DC & Boston, develop U.S. national policy, formulate responses to U.S. 
national policy, and write federal legislation.

NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!  Help us take graduate student concerns 
to Capitol Hill!

Contact:  GSC Legislative Action Subcommittee (gsc-lasc at mit.edu)with any 

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