[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 29 11:37:30 EDT 2009

Hi Off-Campus Grads,
Here are some upcoming events going on around campus.

~Jeff Chambers
GSC Off-Campus Chair

1. Spooky Halloween Bash - Oct 30
2. Pumpkin carving and Haunted penthouse decoration - Oct 31
3. Oktoberfest - Oct 31
4. Wellness Shuttle
5. Turkish Republic Day w/ Mavi Dance - Nov 1
6. Rethinking Interaction Seminar Series - Nov 4

Event Details:
1. Spooky Halloween Bash
Friday, October 30 from 9pm to 1am
Where: Ashdown House, Hulsizer Room

Come to the spookiest, wildest, and most thrilling costume party of the 
year! This night of mayem and mischief is full of activities that will 
surely get your blood pumping! Go crazy and dress up in your best 
Halloween outfit to slaughter the competition in our Costume Contest! 
Show off your dance moves as we groove to Michael Jackson's Thriller! 
Chill out with your fellow partygoers and dance the night away with our 
"Top 40" DJ! Free food and candy will be provided. Drinks will be 
available for purchase from the Thirsty Ear Pub (ID Required).

Event Sponsors: Ashdown House and LEF/ARCADE
Event audience: Open to entire MIT Community

2. Pumpkin carving and Haunted penthouse decoration
Saturday, October 31 at 12pm
Where: Tang 24th Floor Lounge
Contact: tang-social-chair at mit.edu

Get a taste of Halloween holiday, carve pumpkin and decorate the 24th 
floor lounge with your peer residents. Food and drinks, pumpkins and 
utensils will be provided. Event sponsored by THRA and GSC!

3. Oktoberfest
Where: Sidney Pacific Multipurpose Room (NW86)
When: Saturday October 31, 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Come join us for Oktoberfest where we will have food, drinks, and even a 
live band for the celebration! We will be serving pretzels, three 
varieties of high-quality sausages along with three varieties of 
alcoholic beverages for the occasion. Tickets go on sale Wednesdays Oct. 
21st and Oct. 28th during SP coffee hour. We will also man the ticket 
booths outside lobby 13 on Monday Oct. 26th and Tuesday Oct. 27th from 
1-5 pm. Tickets are $3 in cost for just the food and $5 for food+alcohol.

E-mail: sp-social-chair at mit.edu

4. The MIT Parking and Transportation Office will once again operate the 
Wellness Shuttle to transport MIT students to and from Trader Joe’s and 
the Whole Foods Market. This service will operate on the Saturdays 
listed below, beginning on November 7, 2009 and ending on March 27, 2010:

November 7, 14, 21, 28
December 5, 12
January 9, 16, 23, 30
February 6, 13, 20, 27
March 6, 13, 27

Please visit the Parking and Transportation website 
http://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/shuttles/grocery.html to 
view the shuttle schedule.

5. Turkish Republic Day w/ Mavi Dance

The Turkish Student Association at MIT is having a Turkish Republic Day 
Reception to be held on this coming Sunday at 7-10 pm in Walker 
Memorial. The event will feature selections from the Turkish cuisine and 
a cultural show by Mavi Dance, a professional Balkan/Mediterranean dance 
group. It's a cultural evening aimed to entertain a diverse audience, 
not just Turkish folk. Mavi Dance's performance program includes: Harem, 
Black Sea Variations, Imam Shamil, Harman Dali, and Caucasian Mountains!

Tickets are $8 for people with MIT certificates. $10 for regular. This 
price includes the full-course Turkish dinner and the Mavi's dance 
performance. A more detailed description as well as the directions for 
online ticket purchases can be found at this website: 

If you wish to add the event to your Facebook profile: 
Please note that a Facebook RSVP is not a ticket reservation. Tickets 
should be purchased prior to the event.

MIT Turkish Student Association

6. Rethinking Interaction Seminar Series
Date - 4 November 2009
Time - 5 - 6:30 pm
Room - 5-314
Free food and drinks will be provided.

"Rethinking Interactions" seminar series presents a new paradigm to 
showcase diversity as an asset to scientific interaction. This seminar 
brings forward researchers from various backgrounds, who speak on how 
they utilized their diverse perspectives and interests to make 
discoveries beneficial to their community and the world in general.

The seminar series hopes to; 1. Create a culture of interactions among 
diverse researchers at MIT by demonstrating how they contribute to a 
broader perspective in addressing scientific questions. 2. Encourage 
current graduate students and researchers at MIT from diverse 
backgrounds to take advantage of their diversity to excel in research 
and contribute back to their community.

This week's speaker is Prof. Joel L. Dawson
Joel L. Dawson joined MIT as an Assistant Professor in the Department of 
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in September of 2004. 
He received his S.B. and MEng degrees in Electrical Engineering from MIT 
in 1996 and 1997, respectively. The Dawson research group designs RF and 
mixed-signal CMOS ICs for communications systems and medical applications.

Prof. Dawson will be talking about diversity at MIT, from being a 
student as well as a faculty at MIT. He is very well known for his 
community building efforts and involved with various mentorship 
programs. The seminar series is open to all the MIT students and 
employees in the administration, as diversity cannot be harnessed 
without proper interaction between the students and the administration.

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