[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events + Off-Campus Meeting TONIGHT

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 15 11:06:55 EDT 2009

Hi Off-Campus Grads,

We're having an off-campus meeting tonight at 6pm at the GSC Office 
(50-220). Please attend if you would like to help decide events for the 
term. A free (non-pizza) dinner will be provided. As you can see from 
the Events list, there are lots of things going on this weekend. Make 
sure to take advantage of these events before the snows come.

~Jeff Chambers
GSC Off-Campus Chair

1. Off-Campus Meeting - TODAY, 6pm, 50-220
2. Off-Campus Brunch - Oct 18 - RSVP Required
3. Boston Graduate Party - TONIGHT!
4. Diwali Night Coffee Hour - Oct 15
5. MIT Grad Dorm Block Party - Oct 17
6. A Real Monster's Ball - Oct 17
7. Ashdown Brunch - Oct 18
8. Alumni Dinner Series - Oct 20 - Must buy Tickets
9. HallowMIT 2009

Event Details:
1. Off-Campus Meeting - TONIGHT
Thursday, Oct 15, 6pm
GSC Office, Walker Memorial 50-220

Attend the kickoff meeting for the off-campus subcommittee. We will be 
deciding on events to hold for the term. Previous events include holiday 
parties, subsidized dinners around town, brewery tours, and community 
service projects, just to name a few. If you have a favorite event you'd 
like to see again or new ideas for events, please come to the meeting 
and share with other off-campus grads.

A free non-pizza dinner will be provided at the meeting. Please RSVP to 
jtc at mit.edu if you plan to attend so we can make sure to have plenty of 
food. If you forget to RSVP, still feel free to come anyway. The meeting 
is open to all off-campus grads and their spouses/partners.

2. Off-Campus Brunch - RSVP Required, spaces limited
Tavern in the Square (Central Sq)
12:30pm Sunday, Oct 18, 2009

Join other off-campus grads for brunch at Tavern in the Square. Come 
watch football, enjoy the brunch, and meet  other off-campus grads. As 
always, the off-campus brunch is open to spouses/partners and children 
of off-campus grads. Brunch will be partially subsidized, but spaces are 
limited, so please RSVP to Ming (mytang82[at]mit[dot]edu).

3. Boston Graduate Party (BC, BU, Brandeis, Emerson, Harvard, MIT, 
Northeastern, Suffolk, Tufts)
When:     Thursday, 8 PM - 1 AM
Where:    Tequila Rain, 3 Lansdowne, Boston
Contact:  boston-party at mit.edu

This is one of the most exciting social mixers in the area for students. 
150 Free Drinks to be Won! Admission: $4 per person, pay at the door, 
bring age ID and MIT ID

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=141631649334&ref=nf

4. Diwali Night Coffee Hour
Ashdown Hulsizer Room
Thursday, October 15th, 9-10pm

This weekend is Diwali, the Indian festival of lights. In celebration, 
Ashdown is hosting a special Indian-themed Coffee Hour. There will be an 
assortment of Indian sweets, snacks and beverages along with fruit and 
ice cream. All MIT graduate students are welcome.

This event is sponsored by Ashdown House and the GSC Funding Board.

5. MIT Grad Dorm Block Party
Saturday, October 17, 12pm-4pm
Where:  Sidney Pacific Courtyard
Flyer available: http://s-p.mit.edu/flyers/block_party_flyer2.png

Gather the whole family, step outside ,and ring in the fall with your 
graduate dorm friends from all across campus! The Northwest Corridor 
will transform into a street celebration at MIT's first ever Grad Dorm 
Block Party. There will be live entertainment, delicious local vendors, 
drinks from the Thirsty Ear, games, and even a Bounce House!  Every 
canned good receives one entry into a raffle for great prizes. See you 
at the Block Party! Email: sp-president at mit.edu

6. A Real Monster's Ball, MITBDT/MITBDC October Social
7:30 - 11:55 pm, October 17, 2009
Sala de Puerto Rico, Student Center; 84 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
Contact:  mitbdt-publicity at mit.edu

'Tis time indeed for another ballroom social, dedicated to giving all 
creatures of the night a chance to cast off their shackles and cast a 
spell over the dance floor! Join the MIT Ballroom Dance Team and Club 
for their joint October social, a celebration for spinning spooks, 
whirling witches, and galivanting goblins.

7:30 pm FREE Cha cha lesson (with admission), 8-midnight general 
dancing. Costumes invited and encouraged!

7. The next Ashdown brunch will be held this Sunday in the Hulsizer room 
at 12:00pm. It is sponsored by the Office of the Dean for Graduate 
Education. Join us and warm up with the delicious food provided. PLEASE 
BRING YOUR OWN PLATES AND UTENSILS to help the environment and 
participate in the raffle.

8. Alumni Dinner Series
Tuesday, October 20, 6pm-8pm
Morss Hall (1st floor of Walker Memorial)
Contact: gsc-ac at mit.edu

The Alumni Dinner Series provides an informal opportunity to hear from 
and mingle with young, local MIT alumni. Come enjoy a delicious dinner 
and drinks with MIT alumnus and Assistant Professor Mark Bathe (PhD 
2000). Representatives from the Grad Rat will be present, taking orders 
and raffling off a new iPod Nano.

Tickets are only $2 and can be purchased at http://gsc.mit.edu/

9. Do you love Halloween?  Like interacting with children?  Looking for 
a fun volunteer opportunity? Come help out with HallowMIT 2009!

HallowMIT is a MIT children's Halloween festival, open to graduate 
students, staff/faculty, and their families.  Occuring Saturday, October 
24 from 3pm to 5pm. We need your help with decorating, running games, 
assisting face, painters, helping carve pumpkins, and much more.

Sign up: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?key=payOdaC8eS7fst58EI-4UJQ
Questions? Alicia Erwin - aeerwin at mit.edu

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