[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events

Jeffrey T. Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 13 10:52:00 EDT 2009

Hi Off-Campus Grads,
Here are some upcoming events happening around campus. Please try to 
attend the Off-Campus Meeting next Thursday to help plan events for the 
remainder of the term.

~Jeff Chambers
GSC Off-Campus Chair

1. Off-Campus Meeting - Mar 19
2. Grad Gala - Apr 11 (buy tix now!)
3. Harvard-MIT SpeakEasy Dance Party - Mar 14
4. PI DAY - Mar 14
5. Comedienne Dhaya @ Ashdown - Mar 15
6. Two Dollar Tuesday - Mar 17
7. 2009 Grad Gift Campaign - Mar 17

Event Details:
1. Off-Campus Meeting
Thursday, Mar 19, 6-7pm
GSC Office (50-220)
Free (non-pizza) dinner!

Come join other off-campus grads to plan out activities for the spring
term. In the past, activities have included bowling, brewery tours, and
dining events to name a few. Have an idea for a new event, please bring
them to the meeting. As always, a free, non-pizza dinner will be provided.

Please RSVP to jtc at mit.edu if you plan to attend to ensure plenty of
food for all. Remember, this is your money, so come share how you want
it spent.

2. 3rd Annual Grad Gala
April 11, 2009
Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers

Tickets are only $34!
- Three course dinner at the Park Plaza (please bring 21+ ID)
- Live band
- Live DJ after-party

Buy your tickets before they sell out (like they did for all previous
years)!! gsc.mit.edu/gradgala

Brought to you by MIT Graduate Student Council, Grad Rat, Grad Gift,
Subway and Anna's Taqueria.

3. Harvard-MIT SpeakEasy Dance Party
Saturday, March 14, 9pm-1am, Sidney-Pacific Multi-Purpose Room

MIT and Harvard are coming together once again to dance the night away
at this annual event. This time, we will take you back to 1920's
prohibition time to a secret party lounge where the star DJ of the
Boston area, DJ Influence will make sure that you are at the best
party of the night in town!

Tell friends, dress to impress, and dance the night away with us!
Free admission, cash bar, ID required.
E-mail: sp-social-chair at mit.edu

4. Come celebrate PI DAY with us by eating FREE PIE!

   This Saturday, 3/14 at 1:59pm
   Ashdown House (NW35) Hulsizer Room
   Over 10000* types of sweet and savory pies!
   Pi digit recitation contest at 3:00pm ... start studying!
*specified in binary

Please *bring your own plate and utensils* to help reduce waste!
Ashdown House will hold a raffle for those who do.

Brought to you by the Ashdown Cultural & Social committees.
Sponsored by the GSC Funding Board.
All graduate students are welcome.

5. Comedienne Dhaya @ Ashdown
Sunday, March 15th, 1:00-2:30pm
Where: Ashdown Crafts Lounge
Open to all Graduate students

Ever been interested in becoming a stand-up comic?  Want some good 
one-liners?  Just need a good laugh?

Please join us this Sunday, March 15th, at 1:00pm in the Crafts Lounge, 
where Ashdown alumna and professional comedienne Dhaya Lakshminarayanan 
will be performing her routine, exclusively for Ashdown residents!

After the routine, join a discussion about life as a comedienne, 
followed by a reception.

Sponsored by the Ashdown Housemasters!

6. Two Dollar Tuesday

What:   Two Dollar Tuesday - Irish food from Corrib Pub for $2/person
        Cash Bar (21+ Age ID Required)
When:   Tuesday, March 17th at 6:00 PM;
        tickets on sale at NOW at http://gsc.mit.edu/tdt
Where:  Morss Hall (first floor of Walker Memorial)
Who:    Graduate students and up to one guest per student,
        and children are free
Why:    Stop studying, get food and learn about Grad Gift and Grad Rat
Buy tickets online at http://gsc.mit.edu/tdt  
Dinner guaranteed from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM. 

The next Two Dollar Tuesday dinner is on Saint Patrick's Day at 6:00PM
in Morss Hall.  The event will follow an Irish theme with food from
Corrib Pub and adult beverages from the Muddy Charles Pub.

The inaugural launch of the MIT Grad Gift Campaign -
Staff will be present to announce the Grad Gift goals, answer any
questions you may have, collect voluntary contributions from and
distribute Grad Gift T-shirts to anyone interested.  Bring a couple
of extra bucks and participate!

Tickets are on sale at: http://gsc.mit.edu/tdt

Graduate students may bring up to one guest (guests pay same prices)
and may bring their children for free (no registration for children
is necessary).

Questions or comments: email gsc-ac at mit.edu.

Sponsored by the MIT Graduate Student Council,
the GradRat and the *New* Grad Gift Campaign.

7. The Grad Gift Committee is excited to announce the launch of the 2009 
Grad Gift Campaign on Tuesday, March 17, at 6pm! The launch will occur 
at this month's Two Dollar Tuesday in Walker Memorial. Sign ups for the 
Two Dollar Tuesday will proceed as normal, but we will have a special 
table where you can learn about this brand new student philanthropy 
effort and make your gift. Contributions of all sizes are appreciated 
and you can direct your donation to any area of the Institute you want 
to support! This is a fantastic opportunity for all MIT graduate 
students (not just graduating students!) to impact our own community, 
and we hope you will participate.
So stop by for food and drink, hear about the Grad Gift project and 
goals, and make your gift to MIT! Everyone who participates in giving at 
the event will receive a limited edition 2009 Grad Gift t-shirt!
If you are unable to attend the Two Dollar Tuesday dinner but would like 
to make a gift or simply learn more about the campaign, please visit the 
Grad Gift Web site at http://giving.mit.edu/gradgift. Check back 
frequently for updates on Grad Gift progress and events.

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