[Gsc-hca-offcampus] GSC Diversity Task Force

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 7 11:24:55 EDT 2009

As of August 5, the GSC resolution on the Diversity Task Force 
<http://gsc.mit.edu/index.php/component/docman/doc_download/193-aug2009agenda> is 
passed unanimously with a white ballot at the August General Council. 
This reflects the Graduate Student Council's determination and desire to 
take a major role to harness the value of diversity in the MIT community.

Now, the GSC needs your help. We are in the process of finding diversity 
task force members, and leadership for the task force. We welcome 
participation to this very important initiative.

We also need to locate and appoint chairs to lead this effort. These 
chair will play a very important role and will work closely with the 
myself and the rest of the executive committee. 

Please send an email to gsc-officers if you are interested to be a member and please indicate if you would be willing to take on the chair position.

Thanks for your attention and lets make MIT a better and greater place together.


Alex Hamilton Chan
Kenan Sahin Presidential Fellow
Graduate Student Council
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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