[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Orientation Events

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 28 13:59:26 EDT 2008

Hi Off-Campus Grads,
I hope you have enjoyed your summer. It's that time of year again where we have some new faces joining our community, so make sure to get out and welcome the new graduate students. We have a good budget again this year, so if you have event ideas, please let me know.

~Jeff Chambers
Off-Campus Chair

1. Edgerton Strobe Light Party - Aug 30 
2. Spouses and Partners Ice Cream Social - Sept 3
3. Enter the Matrix Dance Party - Sept 6 

Event Details:
1. Edgerton Strobe Light Party 
Saturday, August 30, 10pm-1am 
Edgerton House Courtyard (rain location: Large Lounge), 143 Albany St 

Doc Edgerton was an MIT professor known for "stopping time" with his amazing strobe photography and is credited with popularizing the use of the strobe light.

He teamed up with Jacques Cousteau to do underwater exploration and archeological work all over the globe.

We're celebrating his achievements in Edgerton House, where we will be using the strobe light in his honor...


2. Spouses and Partners Ice Cream Social 
Wednesday, September 3 
3-5 p.m. in the Bush Room (10-105)
Meet the spouses&partners at mit Program Coordinator and the Baptist Chaplains

Children are welcome!
Questions? Call 617-253-1614 or email spousesandpartners at mit.edu 
Visit http://web.mit.edu/spouses 

3. ENTER THE MATRIX - Orientation Dance Party 
Saturday, Sep 6, 9pm - 1am 
Ashdown House (NW35,  235 Albany St.) 

3 Dance floors with ... 
1) HIP HOP, ROCK, POP, TECHNO and more! 
2) LATIN music with Free Salsa lessons. 

There will be lots of FREE FOOD as well.  Drinks will be served by Thirsty Ear Pub (ID required). This event is open to all the MIT community.

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