[Gsc-hca-offcampus] New off-campus chair

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Sat May 19 00:22:50 EDT 2007

Dear off-campus grads,

This past Monday night, we elected a new GSC Off-campus Subcommittee chair.  His
name is Jeff Chambers - congratulations to Jeff!  I have full confidence that he
will do a great job in the coming year.

And there's more good news!  The off-campus funding for this coming school year
has been raised to $10,000 from the Graduate Students Office, up from the
$6,500 we received last year, thanks to the solid efforts of a few off-campus

As always, events do not happen without your (the members') initiative and help.
 If you have an idea for an event and/or would like to help run an event, you
can email Jeff at jtc at mit.edu.

I want to thank everyone for coming to the events over the past year, and I'd
especially like to thank those of you who organized and ran events.  If you'd
like to help with Activities Committee events, I'll always be happy to have

In short, it's been my pleasure to be your off-campus chair.


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