[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Brewery tour and free food

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Fri May 4 22:23:33 EDT 2007

(executive summary at end)

Dear off-campus grads,

On Saturday, May 12th, we will be going to the Sam Adams brewery in south Boston
for a tour of the brewery and a tasting of their products.  We will meet at the
inbound Kendall Square T stop at 11:15 AM SHARP to make the 12:00 noon tour -
we'll be standing under the trees next to the inbound stop, looking thirsty.
Or you can just meet us at the brewery - directions are here:

The tour should last about an hour.  After the tour, we will come back to
Cambridge and have some free food (heavy appetizers) at a nearby restaurant.

Please note that the brewery requests a $2 donation, and you will have to pay
for your own T pass.

You do not need to RSVP for this event - just show up!

What: Sam Adams brewery tour with food afterward
When: Saturday, May 12th, meet at Kendall inbound at 11:15 AM SHARP or at the
brewery at noon
Where: Kendall inbound, then brewery, then Cambridge for food
Why: oh come on now
Note: no RSVP needed - just show up!

Hope to see you there!
GSC Off-campus Subcommittee Chair

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