[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Subsidized Bruins game on 4/7/07

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 26 23:32:14 EDT 2007

Off-campus grads,

Please see the email below and the attached flyer about a subsidized Bruins
game, sponsored by the GSC Activities Committee.

Off-campus Chair

----- Forwarded message from shahriar at MIT.EDU -----

Last Bruins game of the year!!
Don't miss it!!

Boston Bruins vs. Ottawa Senators

April 7, 2007
Saturday 7:00 pm
at the TD Banknorth Garden

$25 MIT Graduate Students/Post-Docs
$29 Guests
Ticket on sale now at GSC Office - Walker Memorial Bldg., 50-220

Special event during and after the game:
"Fan Appreciation Night": Don't miss great prizes and contests throughout
the game, as well as the "Shirts Off Our Backs" giveaway by the players at
the end of the game

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