[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Free cocktail hour and dinner; also, free bowling

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 19 18:22:25 EDT 2007

Off-campus grads,

This email contains information about two FREE upcoming events.


We have an awesome event coming up involving a free cocktail hour and a free
three-course dinner at the Faculty Club.

Dean Colbert, the Dean of Graduate Students, is retiring in June.  He is going
to host one last dinner with graduate students before he leaves, and he wants
to have dinner with off-campus students.

The dinner will be on Tuesday, April 3rd, beginning at 5:00 PM and ending around
8:00 PM at the MIT Faculty Club.  There will also be professors from five MIT
departments there; Dean Colbert and the professors will speak during dinner
about what their departments do to support graduate student life.  The
professors will then sit down at each table to talk with the students.

The retail price for an event like this is about $75/person.  You get it for
free.  However, we only have space for 25 students, so YOU MUST RSVP FOR THIS
EVENT.  Also, if you RSVP, you must show up.  Guests are not allowed, unless
they are MIT off-campus graduate students, in which case they should also RSVP.

What: free cocktails and dinner with Dean of Graduate Students, Ike Colbert
When: Tuesday, April 3rd, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: MIT Faculty Club
Note: RSVP REQUIRED as space is limited


There is still room for the free bowling and food event this Friday, March 23rd.
  Each person will get two free games of ten-pin (regular) bowling and shoe
rental at Lanes and Games (lanesgames.com), beginning at 5:30 PM, as well as
food from the grill.  Please RSVP for this event as space is limited.


Hope to see you at these events!

GSC Off-campus Subcommittee Chair

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