[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming graduate student event

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 11 00:13:47 EST 2007

Dear off-campus grads,

Please see the forwarded email and link below for an interesting upcoming
event that is open to all MIT graduate students.

Off-campus chair

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Barrie Gleason [mailto:bgleason at MIT.EDU] 

I want to alert you to an upcoming event for graduate students. This  
first in a BMOP concert series is one of the Graduate Student Life  
Grants. Briefly, it's a delightful concert in a cabaret setting for  
which students pay $10; the ticket includes a buffet dinner. The  
attached pdf and URL provide all the details.


Note that Keeril Makan is an Assistant Professor of Music here  
at MIT. It promises to be a wonderful evening.

Thank you, and best wishes for the new year.

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