[Gsc-hca-offcampus] GSC-HCA open positions

Kevin McComber mccomber at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 28 21:38:30 EDT 2007

Off-campus grads,

There are a few very important positions still open in the GSC's Housing and
Community Affairs (HCA) Committee, under which falls the Off-campus
Subcommittee.  If you are interested in any of the positions below, please
contact Gerald Dalley (dalleyg at mit.edu).

We are especially interested in filling the HCA co-chair position, as this will
give students more of a voice with respect to housing issues (funding, cost of
living, etc.).  You do not need to have GSC experience to fill one of these

Off-campus Chair


The following positions in the Graduate Student Council's Housing and
Community Affairs Committee are open:

  1. HCA Co-Chair: directs and organizes the activities of the HCA.  The
  HCA chairs are instrumental in informing the MIT administration of graduate
  student needs, coordinating the efforts of the dorms and off-campus
  students, and making recommendations for on-campus rents, health insurance,
  and stipends.  One of two co-chair positions for 2007-2008 is open.  Must
  be an MIT graduate student.
  2. HCA Family Subcommittee Chair: Focuses on issues related to
  students with partners, spouses, children, and/or other dependents.  A
  sampling of recent efforts includes: providing mechanisms for better
  childcare opportunities, partial health insurance subsidies for non-MIT
  family members, eliminating dorm transfer fees when having a child requires
  moving to a larger apartment, and coordination with Spouse & Partners.  May
  be a non-student spouse/partner.  May be an HCA Co-Chair.
  3. At-Large GSC Representative for Families: While technically not an
  HCA position, the Representative is a member of the GSC legislative body and
  interfaces with the HCA on family issues.  An active representative is
  provided with funds for advocacy and/or events.  Must be an MIT
  graduate student.  May be the Subcommittee Chair.

General information on the HCA and its subcommittees is available at:

If you would like to learn more, are interested in any of these positions,
or would like to recommend someone else for any of these positions, please
contact your friendly neighborhood HCA chair at gsc-hca at mit.edu.

--Gerald Dalley
 dalleyg at mit.edu

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