[Gsc-hca-offcampus] [Fwd: Cable TV Survey #2]

Gerald Dalley gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 3 11:47:51 EDT 2006

The following survey is being sent to all on-campus grad students.  If 
you currently live off-campus and but are considering moving on-campus 
in the future, feel free to participate in the survey as well.  
Information on the current MIT cable system including its current 
channel lineup may be found at:
Any questions may be directed to
   cable-storm-owner at mit.edu

  NOTICE! The results of this survey may affect
  all rents on campus. Please be sure to complete
  it even if you never watch TV.

Dear residents,

It has come to our attention that some of the current
channels in the MIT Cable TV line-up are being watched much
less than other channels. There is a _possibility_ to replace
one or more of the current Cable TV channels with channels
that may be of more interest to you. Your answers to the
following survey will help us in determining if any changes
to the current line-up are needed, and if so, what channels
should change.

SURVEY URL: https://s-p.mit.edu/officers/surveys/MIT_Cable2.php

Comments and concerns can be addressed to: cable-storm-owner at mit.edu

Thank you for your time!

--Gerald Dalley
 Housing and Community Affairs Co-Chair
 Graduate Student Council
 gsc-hca at mit.edu

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