[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Search for Institute Committee Representatives

Denise Tellbach tellbach at mit.edu
Wed Sep 28 14:56:26 EDT 2022

Dear HCA members,

we are looking for student representatives to the following two committees. It's a great opportunity to get exposure to the inner workings of MIT and gain leadership experience. If you are interested in serving on either of these committees, please reach out to Bianca or me!

1. A new committee to "evaluate security at large campus events for students"

Additional details: The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, from 5-6pm over zoom.The working group will have five to six meetings and will make recommendations to Chancellor Nobles and Dean Nelson early in the spring semester. The working group will review the working group charge, deliverables, and timeline at our first meeting.

2. Council on Family and Work (More info<https://facultygovernance.mit.edu/committee/council-family-and-work>)
MIT's Council on Family and Work serves in an advisory and deliberative capacity concerning family and work-related issues as they impact MIT's faculty, staff, and students. It is the Council's responsibility to: 1) identify family and work-related issues, 2) establish a process to evaluate and respond to these issues, and 3) make periodic recommendations to MIT's senior officers about courses of action relevant to these specific issues.



HCA Co-Chair

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