[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] HCA Meeting: Tomorrow Nov. 30th: 1pm

Denise Tellbach tellbach at mit.edu
Mon Nov 29 20:25:48 EST 2021

Hello everyone!

It's time for our HCA meeting - tomorrow [30 November 2021] from 1-2pm. The link for the meeting is:


  *   As usual we will reimburse upto $15 per person for food. The RFP guide is attached. Use the following line to name the RFP:
8.1A HCAMtg 11-30 "+ your initials"

Please log your RFP details here<https://mitgscapp.knack.com/funding#report-purchases/>. To fill the form, you will need your RFP number and the BID number for the meeting.
BID Number = 194
Please refer to this guide<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V00wFaKiQtLHEaEFdqOMiGMeQ8pVEYQyoOJau5q__V4/edit> for the new tracker. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!



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