[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] March GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, March 11th at 6 PM)

Mohammad Shafaet Islam moislam at mit.edu
Thu Mar 5 09:29:41 EST 2020

Hi HCA members,

We will be having our March HCA meeting next Wednesday at 6 PM in the GSC Office (50-220). As usual, dinner will be provided. Please let me & Betsy know if you have any restrictions other than vegetarian.

If you have any items you'd like to add to the agenda, please let me know (so far I have stipends and HCA recruitment as agenda items). I'll send out a complete agenda for the meeting next week.

One last note: We will be electing new HCA co-chairs during our April meeting. Being able to vote at this meeting requires having attended a previous HCA meeting? (so if you want to vote in April, consider attending our March meeting if you haven't attended a previous meeting).

See you next Wednesday!


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