[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] January GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, January 22nd at 6 PM)

Mohammad Shafaet Islam moislam at mit.edu
Tue Jan 21 02:06:00 EST 2020

Hi folks,

A gentle reminder about our HCA meeting happening this Wednesday (Jan. 22nd) at 6 PM in the GSC Office (50-220).

The agenda for the meeting is attached. The first agenda item is to vote on the HCA Bylaw updates from a while back, so they are attached as well.

We'll also discuss the GSC Guide for Grad Dorms<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bvafh4WGJiWAGuXY-pJQ6OjVlSXBPBajp7qzkqbqdaA/edit?usp=sharing> to see what would be useful to add.

See you Wednesday!


From: Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 2:17 PM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: Elizabeth Granese
Subject: January GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, January 22nd at 6 PM)

Hi HCA members,

I hope you all had a good holiday season.

We will be having our January Housing & Community Affairs Meeting next Wednesday January 22nd at 6 PM in the GSC Office (50-220). Dinner will be provided (please let us know if you have food requests/restrictions).

We'll also be having our first stipend recommendation meeting tomorrow at 4 PM in the GSC Office. Feel free to attend if you are interested.

The future dates for our meetings if you are planning ahead are:

  *   ?February 19th
  *   March 11th
  *   April 8th (HCA Elections/Transition)

Hope to see you then!

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