[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] October GSC HCA Meeting w/ Graduate Housing Implementation Team (Wednesday, October 9th at 6 PM)

Mohammad Shafaet Islam moislam at mit.edu
Thu Oct 10 10:31:30 EDT 2019

Hi everyone,

Thank you for coming out to our October HCA meeting. Many thanks to the Graduate Housing Implementation Team for sharing information on all of the housing updates.

Here are the meeting notes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dwVWvRFG82kGw0nbqmQwoyifC4tTerif9X-JiOEq5Ao/edit?usp=sharing> from yesterday (the previous link I sent out does not seem to work). It should summarize the points from the presentation as well as the feedback everyone provided.

Thanks everyone, and hope to see many of you at our next HCA meeting on November 13th!



From: Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 6:01 PM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: gradimplementation; Elizabeth Granese
Subject: Re: October GSC HCA Meeting w/ Graduate Housing Implementation Team (Wednesday, October 9th at 6 PM)

Starting in a few! Minutes are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dwVWvRFG82kGw0nbqmQwoyifC4tTerif9X-JiOEq5Ao/edit?

From: Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 8:46 AM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: gradimplementation; Elizabeth Granese
Subject: Fw: October GSC HCA Meeting w/ Graduate Housing Implementation Team (Wednesday, October 9th at 6 PM)

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that our HCA meeting is happening tonight from 6-7:30 PM in the GSC Office (50-220). Dinner will be provided as well. See you then!



From: Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 11:40 AM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: gradimplementation; gsc-hca; Elizabeth Granese
Subject: October GSC HCA Meeting w/ Graduate Housing Implementation Team (Wednesday, October 9th at 6 PM)

Hi HCA members,?

This is a reminder that we will be having our October HCA meeting next Wednesday October 9th at 6 PM, in the GSC Office (50-220 - on the second floor of Walker Memorial).

The Graduate Housing Implementation Team will join us to discuss the numerous changes that have been made to the housing allocation process, and solicit feedback from dorms and graduate students on these changes. The team would like feedback from all of the dorms, so we'd like to have at least one dorm rep from each house attend this meeting.

The full agenda for the meeting is attached, and dinner will be provided as usual. Additionally, we'd like to start having dorms/subcommittee members RSVP to HCA meetings, to keep members accountable for attending. Please fill out this short RSVP form?<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaJ6O3m40rdzxeFtuwy93-7lj2FI0qmhtnlfKGHjGFVfgLKQ/viewform> if you'll be attending our next HCA meeting.

See you there!


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