[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] December GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, December 11th at 6 PM)

Mohammad Shafaet Islam moislam at mit.edu
Sat Dec 7 14:31:35 EST 2019

Hi everyone,

I have attached a copy of the modified HCA Bylaws we discussed at our November meeting (with modifications since then). We will be voting to approve these updates at the next meeting, so please let me know if you have further suggestions or changes I should incorporate.

Some other quick reminders:

  *   You can find our in-progress GSC Guide for Grad Dorms here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bvafh4WGJiWAGuXY-pJQ6OjVlSXBPBajp7qzkqbqdaA/edit?usp=sharing>. Feel free to make comments so we know what information is most useful to you.
  *   Join us for the 2019 GSC Winter Holiday Social @ Za Cambridge on 12/12 (this Thursday) from 5:30 - 9:30 PM (you're all invited!).?



From: gsc-hca-all-bounces at mit.edu <gsc-hca-all-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of Mohammad Shafaet Islam <moislam at mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2019 5:41 PM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: Elizabeth Granese
Subject: Re: [Gsc-hca-all] December GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, December 11th at 6 PM)

?Hi folks,

Just a reminder that we'll be having our December HCA meeting next Wednesday (6 PM in 50-220). You can find the agenda for the meeting attached.

David Friedrich & Ian Waitz will be coming in to speak about the future of on-campus rates, and how that fits into the bigger picture of providing financial support to students who most need it. It should be an informative meeting, so I hope to see you all (including dorm reps!) there.



From: Mohammad Shafaet Islam
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 6:26 PM
To: gsc-hca-all
Cc: Elizabeth Granese
Subject: December GSC HCA Meeting (Wednesday, December 11th at 6 PM)

Hi HCA members,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. We will be having our December Housing & Community Affairs Meeting next Wednesday December 11th at 6 PM in the GSC Office (50-220). Dinner will be provided (please let us know if you have food requests/restrictions).

I'll send out some more details about the meeting over the next few days. Hope to see you then!


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