[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Fwd: Minors and ids

Nicholas Triantafillou gsc-hca at mit.edu
Sun Oct 29 23:09:11 EDT 2017

Hi all,

Are you interested in developing programming educating parents and children
about safety when kids are alone, or on helping to brainstorm resources for
after-school events for kids?

If so let us know! Also feel free to forward this to others who might be


Nicholas Triantafillou
Co-chair for Housing and Community Affairs '17-'18
MIT Graduate Student Council

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Naomi Carton <naomic at mit.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 5:48 AM
Subject: Minors and ids
To: gsc-hca <gsc-hca at mit.edu>
Cc: Ankur Chavda <achavda at mit.edu>, Milo Alto <miloalto at mit.edu>

I am working on a new policy/program based on some feedback and concerns
about safety and minors without ids living in family housing. The city of
Cambridge allows children above 9 years old to get off the bus on their own
and accompany a sibling. The issue is if a parent isn’t home they can’t get
into apt.
The institute is working on giving minors ids. What we ( Ankur who has
volunteered to help me on this) need is your help as well in developing
some education and programming around this.

Would any member of HCA want to help us in developing the following:

-Education around teaching kids about safety while home alone
-Parent education (??)
- programming resources for after school events we may be able to offer

I would like to meet over lunch next week(my treat!) . If you can send us
your interest in this topic it will most likely be a 2 meeting max

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