[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Feedback on position of Vice Chancellor - send to dorms!

Malvika Verma gsc-hca at mit.edu
Sun May 14 10:46:32 EDT 2017


1) Can you please provide feedback on the Vice Chancellor position?
2) If you are a dorm representative, can you please send the email below to
your dorm?

Malvika + Nicholas
Fellow [INSERT DORM] residents

Recently, MIT created a Vice Chancellor position that subsumes the roles of
the Deans for Undergraduate and Graduate Education. You can read more about
it from MIT News

The GSC would like your feedback on these changes, positive or negative, so
they know what to push for with MIT's administration to ensure that this
new structure advances graduate student interests.

Feedback can be given here: https://goo.gl/forms/Nw2JpB4V85Fe2ykG2
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