[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] At-Risk Student Meeting

Ryan Gillis gsc-hca at mit.edu
Thu Feb 2 15:23:46 EST 2017


If you are interested in attending the following meeting concerning at-risk
students fill out the doodle poll below.


For more details on what the meeting is about see the following
announcement below.

Ryan Gillis
Good morning,
As many of you know, an online mental health education program called
At-Risk for Students was launched with all of our first year students prior
to their arrival on campus.
The program received excellent feedback and showed solid participant gains
in knowledge around a number of mental health components.
I, along with staff from mental health, were hoping to pull together a
group of students leaders to discuss how this program might be made more
available for other members of the MIT student community.
For that reason, I have asked my colleague Sarah Green organize a meeting
sometime in the next two week.
I hope you, or a member of your organization, will be able to make the
Many thanks,

Don Camelio, LICSW, M.S.
Assistant Dean, Student Support and Wellbeing
Director, Office of Community Development and Substance Abuse
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building W20-507, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617-253-4193 <(617)%20253-4193>
dcamelio at mit.edu
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