[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] March HCA Meeting

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Sun Mar 6 19:59:23 EST 2016

Hey HCA folks!

       It's already March! That means only a few more months till the
semester ends! Our next meeting is tomorrow, 3/7 at 5:30-7PM in the GSC
Office (50-220). There will be Thai food! If you have any topics you would
like to discuss within HCA, please email them to me as soon as possible! I
will send out the agenda by noon tomorrow.
       One more thing to keep in mind is that we are starting to recruit
the next HCA Chairs. If you are interested in running or know anyone
interested, please know that Huma and I have a specific budget line item
for taking you out to lunch :) Please hit us up, and we will chat about
what our experience has been this past year with HCA. This is noncommittal,
of course! I can think of several amongst current HCA members whom I
believe would make excellent HCA chairs.
       Looking forward to seeing everyone there tomorrow!

Take care,
George and Huma
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