[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] SUMMER STORAGE GUIDELINES

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Wed Apr 13 15:27:10 EDT 2016

FYI regarding summer storage.


Summer Storage

Thanks to a partnership between Residential Life & Dining (RLD) and
DormCon, the following storage plans have been developed for the summer of


   - Residence halls that currently have storage areas designated by RLD
   will still store student belongings in accordance with existing house
   policy, as long as residents can provide proof of insurance.

This includes all residence halls except Baker House, Maseeh Hall, and Next
House, which do not have designated student storage space.

*Policies for in-house storage were developed by the house government.
Please see your house manager or house storage chair for policies regarding
storage in your residence hall.*

   - Residence halls without storage may use the recommended vendor below
   or find their own options.

Residents storing belongings on campus must provide proof of insurance to
the Housing Office before their belongings can be stored.

   - Residents should check with their parent/guardian to determine if
   their current renter/homeowner insurance policy will cover items stored on
   - For students who would like to purchase renters' insurance, MIT's
   Office of Insurance has recommended College Student Insurance. For $76
   annually the policy covers:
      - $3,000 coverage limit with $50 deductible
      - worldwide coverage, including student belongings in their dorm,
      while studying abroad, or other items in storage

Please visit their website <http://www.collegestudentinsurance.com/> for
more information.

To submit proof of insurance, please email the document to residence at mit.edu
. *Proof of insurance should be submitted to the Housing Office no later
than Monday, May 16, 2016.*

See sample "proof of insurance" document

Piece by Piece Moving and Storage is offering two packages:

   - $150 Base Package
      - Up to 3 items (boxes, furniture, refrigerator, or any combination
      - 3 boxes (18" x 18" x 18"), 1 marker, 1 roll of tape, labels for
      - $100 insurance valuation per item/box stored
   - $300 Base Package
      - Up to 7 items (boxes, furniture, refrigerator, or any combination
      - 6 boxes (18" x 18" x 18"), 1 market, 1 roll of tape, labels for
      - $100 insurance valuation per item/box stored

Additional costs:

   - Additional items for storage: $42/item
   - Additional packing materials: $20/6 box pack or $4/each
   - Additional labels: Available to print
   - Additional insurance coverage: $5 for each $100 valuation (beyond the
   $100 included free)

Piece by Piece will set up on-campus stations that will accept items and
boxes at the end of this semester. As part of these packages, Piece by
Piece will also deliver the items to each student's room at the start of
the fall semester.

Check out the Piece by Piece website  <http://storagemit.com/>for more
information. Please note that Piece by Piece will add a $100 fee to all
packages purchased after May 14.

Piece by Piece will be on campus in late April/early May so students can
purchase packages or ask questions. Please see the attached schedule for
times and locations.


   - Students are responsible for arranging storage and insurance, and
   moving their belongings before they check out of their spring housing
   - Students may arrange storage with any vendor they choose.
   - Any items left in a room after check out will be discarded and the
   resident may be subject to a cleaning fee no less than $200.
   - Residence halls close at 12:00 pm on Sunday, May 22, for students not
   graduating or moving to summer student housing.

Please email storagequestions at mit.edu with any additional questions.
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