[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] November HCA Meeting

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Mon Nov 9 10:23:21 EST 2015

Hi HCA folks,

      Just a reminder that the monthly HCA meeting is today at 5:30-7:00PM
in the GSC Office 50-220. As usual, there will be food.
      *Please take a look at the agenda* - it's changed! The format of the
HCA meeting will be provisionally changed to shorten chair and subcommittee
updates to only the first 30 minutes, with broad topic discussions for the
second. This will make up the main "informative" portion of the meeting.
This will be followed by a 30 minute "in-depth" portion of the meeting.
This set-up is to encourage folks to come to these meetings for simply the
informative 1-hour portion, and if you feel interested in some of the
topics, to stay for the in-depth portion.
     Hopefully this would streamline the meetings and make it a good and
efficient use of all of your time.

Looking forward to see you all tonight!
George - HCA Chair
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