[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Request for publicity and feedback - inter-dorm off campus housing coordination

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Mon May 11 17:23:58 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

        Recently, I was approached by Matt McCutchen, a graduate student in
EECS, about creating a resource for current on-campus students to
coordinate with others looking for off campus to form groups. I know that
SP recently did something similar internally and think perhaps this would
be a popular resource for everyone.
        For now, we have created this form:


        I'd like to get a feel of the level of interest. We'll do the
sorting internally and send participants their groups. I'd like to get any
feedback or objections to this system. If not, then I'd like to ask each
dorm to publicize this within your dorm mailing lists.
         Thanks for your help folks! :)

Have a great week!
George - HCA chair

PS - Don't forget our HCA meeting in a week! There'll be an election (with
food and candidates and stuff ;))
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