[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] August GCM and HCA Meeting

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Fri Jul 31 13:54:43 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

     I hope you are enjoying the nice, steamy Boston summer. Two things.
First, the August GCM is coming up next Wednesday. If there is something
you'd like me to put on the HCA Committee's slide, please let me know!
     Second, for the August HCA meeting, I was considering changing the
meeting time. We could do two potential things: one, move the HCA meeting
to before the GCM, and two, move the HCA meeting to a different day of the
week/time (currently it's the Monday after the GCM at 5:30).
     I've made a scheduling thing here:
      It should hopefully be easy to use. Please go here and block off the
times that would work best for you. Please remember that this is to set the
meeting for *the rest of the year*! So please consider your during-semester
schedule as well before voting.
     I would really appreciate everyone's participation, so that we can
have everyone attend the monthly meetings regularly with the least trouble.

Thanks so much guys!
George Chao - HCA Chair
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