[Gsc-hca-family] Scheduling GSC Family Subcommittee September meeting

Anna Häggman haggman.anna at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 22:30:29 EDT 2013

Dear all,

Just a friendly reminder to fill in the doodle poll (here) on possible dates for the September Family Subcommittee meeting, so that we can set the date as soon as possible. 

Thanks so much!

On Sep 5, 2013, at 9:48 PM, Anna Häggman wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am happy to let you know that it is finally time to schedule the first monthly Family Subcommittee of the year – exciting! The meeting will be very informal, and the agenda will mostly consist of welcoming new members and updating them on past projects, as well as talking about family advocacy ideas and goals for the new semester. As always dinner will be served and I will hire babysitters to play with our children in the Eastgate playroom, which is right next to the lounge. Please email me separately if you are planning to bring your children, so I will know how many babysitters we'll need. 
> I have created a poll of possible meeting dates and times. Please indicate your availability here. If you no longer wish to receive emails about the Family Subcommittee, please feel free to email me.
> I look forward to seeing many of you in our next meeting.
> Cheers,
> Anna
> GSC Family Subcommittee co-chair

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