[Gsc-hca-family] Recap of the May GSC Family Subcommittee meeting

Anna Häggman haggman.anna at gmail.com
Sun May 12 22:26:08 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the minutes from our meeting last Wednesday (also
pasted below). We are thinking of launching a publicity campaign to raise
awareness of families at MIT sometime next fall. If you are interested in
designing, planning and launching a publicity campaign or know someone who
would be, please contact us. We are also looking for a volunteer to serve
as a family representative in the GSC Orientation Committee, so please be
in touch if you would be interested.

GSC Family Subcommittee co-chair


Housing and Community Affairs
Family Subcommittee Meeting
Thursday May 8th, 2013
Meeting Minutes

Present: Anna, Emily, Marzyeh, Remi

1.     Back-up childcare pilot program update

a.     Contract still not finalized: Anna will follow-up with Kathy

b.     All MIT students will be included

c.     Advertisement plan

                                               i.     Launch event June
15th: Emily and Remi will be in charge of organizing

                                             ii.     GSC website up-date:
Include the FAQ on the program with specific examples of situations in
which students can use the service, the infographic, and the link to the
Work-Life website (once it’s up). Marzyeh will be in charge.

                                            iii.     Infographic in
multiple languages to post in dorms and distribute via listservs: Anders &
Anna will work on that after May 20th.

                                            iv.     Work with Orientation
Committee to get a spot at grad 101: family representative? Need to recruit
a volunteer to be the family rep in the meetings and planning of family
events for orientation. Anna will reach out to dorms and off-campus to see
if anyone is interested.

2.     Summary of meeting with Abigail Francis, May 2nd on poster campaign
to raise awareness of grad families:

                                               i.     During two months, 50
people worked on the “You Are Welcome Here” campaign

                                             ii.     We need to recruit
people to design and launch the campaign. Remi will reach out to people at
the MediaLab and Architecture Department.

                                            iii.     Need to look into the
possibility of using ODGE Graduate Community Fellowships to pay for the
design and planning work.

                                            iv.     A poster campaign or a
card, or an awareness day/week with events on campus. Ideas are welcomed!

3.     Summary of meeting on May 3rd to plan how to approach Marty Schmidt
regarding coop daycare and other plans for support programs

                                               i.     At this point, there
will be no Institute wide task force on families, so we should engage with
Dean Ortiz to set up meetings with key people in various offices. We will
present our revised report to these people. Marzyeh will contact her to set
up a meeting.

                                             ii.     We need to revise our
report and make it look more official, and add a budget and a timeline.
Anna will work on it starting May 20th.

                                            iii.     After we have a “real”
report and the support of the above people, then we will schedule a meeting
with Marty Schmidt

  Meeting schedule during the summer: We will continue our monthly
meetings, the next one being Wednesday June 12th at 6pm in Eastgate. There
will be no meeting in July, but there will be a meeting in early August.
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