[Gsc-hca-family] Summary of GSC Family Subcommittee March meeting

Anna Häggman haggman.anna at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 22:19:29 EDT 2013

Hi everyone,

Find below the recap of our monthly meeting last Wednesday (March 13th). If you have any comments, questions or thoughts, please feel free to email the family subcommittee co-chairs (gsc-hca-family-chair at mit.edu).

Hope to see many of you in our next meeting!


1.     1. GSC Family Childcare Fund

- Waiting to hear from GCM on the Funding vote in April

- Parents in Pinch is offered to all parts of the MIT community except students.

- Other agencies are $25/hour with a registration fee and daily fee.

- Action Item: Aalap + HCA to schedule a meeting on EBOC with Kathy

- Action Item: Anna to schedule a meeting on the inclusion of students in 'Parents in A Pinch' with Kathy Simons


2.     2. EBOC follow-up

- No response for a few months from on EBOC; unsure about what their position is

- We need a full meeting with Ed and Kathy, see item above.


3.     Presentation to Dean Ortiz

- Action Item: Needs to be scheduled; Randi and Nathan to schedule meeting with the Dean next week (Thursday/Friday), coordinate with Aalap

- Action Item: Presentation to be created by Anna/Emily/Marzyeh

- What happened at the old meeting? Address the history of our discussion with the Dean.

- What everyone else is doing (state of the benchmarks)

- What we are doing (state of MIT: bad in all areas)

- What we are proposing that they offer in a given timeline.

- Short Term Strategy: This term, back-up childcare, amenities for students

- Long Term Strategy: Next year, 3 years, 2 co-op childcare centers

- Back up slides to have details on the Co-op, contact the Early Education Childcare (EEC) to get the licencing fees

- After this we are thinking to meet with Ortiz, Grimsom, + few others to make a joint discussion; or perhaps create a working group


4.     4. Next meeting 

	- Wednesday April 10, 6:30 pm at the GSC Office (Note! There won't be babysitting for this meeting)

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