[Gsc-hca-family] GSC Family Subcommittee meeting 6/12 - meeting minutes

Anna Häggman haggman.anna at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 15:12:12 EDT 2013

Hey all,

Thanks for a great meeting tonight! Find pasted below the minutes from our
meeting. Note that there will not be a monthly meeting in July, and the
next one is probably going to take place mid-August.



GSC Family Subcommittee meeting 6/12/13
Meeting Minutes

Present: Emily, Eric, Marzyeh, Remi, Anna, Yue

1. Backup childcare contract and program status update from Kathy

- MIT has finished reviewing contract, and it is now at Parents in a Pinch.
Expected to be signed by both parties by Friday 6/14.
- Program was named "Temps for Tots: Backup Childcare Program for Students"
- Pre-registration will be certificate-based, so there is no need for
students to provide additional proof of enrollment. Everyone using the
program will be required to pre-register again each contract year.
- Work-Life website expected to go live on Monday 6/17, except for the
pre-registration site, which will go live by 6/26. Students can start to
pre-register when program launches, on July 1.

Note! Once a week Work-Life will send PiaP an excel sheet with the names of
students who have pre-registered. This means that it might take a few days
after pre-registration for the name to show in PiaP's records as verified
student status. This is the same process as for MIT employees. We should
encourage students to pre-register as soon as possible so that they are all
set when they need to start using the service.

2. Launch event

- Decided to postpone until mid-August because we expect more students to
be on campus then. Usually in Westgate one third of new students have
already moved in by then.
- Family Subcommittee still has roughly $350 of this year's budget left
over, and we will use it to buy materials for the launch event. Emily and
Remi will go shopping, and get reimbursement request in by this Friday 6/14.

3. Communications and marketing

- Plan is to have all emails to MIT student listservs go out starting on
the launch date, Monday July 1
- The next Tech issue will go out on July 3. Our piece in its current form
will go under Campus Life, and the deadline for submission is 6pm on June
29. We should push to get our piece to a more prominently featured section
in the issue. We may want to suggest that the Tech editors write a separate
news piece, we will edit our article draft so that it's more of an opinion
piece, and then we would like to have a short marketing piece with program
details as well. Anna will coordinate with Caleb.
- Heather promised to write a draft article for MIT News Office. We should
ask if she could also write a piece for the Faculty Newsletter.
- We want to push for placement of the program announcement on MIT front
page. Anna will ask Dean Ortiz and Heather how we should approach this.
- Regarding social media: we will encourage sharing the announcement in
social media, and we will ask student organizations to post the
announcement on Facebook

4. Communications Checklist

- article in the Tech
- article in Faculty Newsletter
- MIT News Office announcement
- Departmental administrators
- GSC Department representatives
- Dorms, off-campus
- GW at MIT, Grad Moms, S&P at MIT, Working Moms -group
- GSC Website front page
- GSC Anno (need a short blurb and a separate announcement)
- Flyer to dorm welcome packages
- Flyer to MIT Medical Pediatrics

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