[Gsc-hca-family] GSC Family Subcommittee meeting on Monday Nov 26th at 6:30pm in Eastgate

Anna Häggman haggman.anna at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 17:15:46 EST 2012

Hi everyone,

This is a friendly reminder of our next meeting on *Monday, November 26th
(right after Thanksgiving break) at 6:30pm in Eastgate Penthouse lounge
(Note the later time!).* Our agenda for this meeting will be very informal,
and we will dedicate the first part of the meeting to brainstorming what
the issues are that we'd like to address during this academic year, and the
second part of the meeting making a rough action plan based on what we come
up with.

Please RSVP here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?pli=1&formkey=dG1ObUlGdThZNTJETHBVeTVTTGtCMkE6MQ#gid=0>.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email Ramya and me (gsc
-hca-family-chair at mit.edu).

Have a great Thanksgiving break, and hope to see many of you on Monday!
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