[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Reminder - HCA Meeting this Weds Nov 10th at 6pm in the GSC Office (50-220)

HCA Chair gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 11 00:03:38 EST 2010

Hi Again!

Thanks for joining us this evening for the HCA meeting. Here are a number of
items we discussed at the meeting:

1. Attached, please find a document outlining the changes to MIT Medical
which will take place December 22nd.

2. The following link is our SeeClickFix issue about the crosswalk at Albany
and Pacific. If you feel there is a problem with this location, please do
leave a brief comment and vote: *http://seeclickfix.com/issues/62448*

3. Please reply to this email with just *one (1) questions* which we can
pose to MIT Medical as a FAQ for their new website!

4. If you represent a residence hall and have not yet turned in the *Room
Flagging form*, please do so as soon as possible.

5. Attached, please find our Safety Questionnaire. Please give us your

Thanks Team!

~Brian & Javier
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