[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Next HCA Meeting June 16th, 7pm in the GSC Office

GSC HCA gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Wed Jun 9 18:31:05 EDT 2010

Dear HCA committee, dorm officers, and department reps,

The next GSC Housing and Community Affairs (HCA) committee meeting will be
held next Wednesday, June 16th at 7pm in the GSC office (50-220).

I apologize for the short notice on the change of date for the meeting.
 Please check the GSC meetings
calendar<http://gsc.mit.edu/index.php/meeting-calendar>for the most up
to date meeting schedule.

At the meeting we will be discussing updates on the Grad Dental Plan, as
well as Transportation related issues.  Please email gsc-hca at mit.edu if you
would like to have something put on the agenda.

Thank you, see you all there!

Javier Sanchez & Brian Spatocco
HCA Co-Chairs
Gsc-hca-all mailing list
Gsc-hca-all at mit.edu

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