[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Reminder: GSC HCA meeting TODAY, 7/8 at 6pm

Wendy Lam (HCA Co-Chair) gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 8 00:25:07 EDT 2009

Dear HCA committee, dorm officers, and department reps,

Just a reminder that the next GSC Housing and Community Affairs (HCA)
committee meeting will be held TODAY, Wednesday, July 8th at 6pm in
the GSC office (50-220).  We strongly encourage dorm officers and any
interested department reps to attend this meeting.  As always, dinner
will be provided.

This week we will discuss updates on the graduate student dental plan
and transportation (Northwest Shuttle/EZRide).  If you have any other
items you would like to add to the agenda, please let us know.

Hope to see you there!

Wendy Lam and Julia Nickel
Co-Chairs, Housing and Community Affairs Committee
Graduate Student Council
Gsc-hca-all mailing list
Gsc-hca-all at mit.edu

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