[Gsc-hca-family] Family Committee Minutes 8/19

Kevin Krsulich kdk323 at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 10 01:25:27 EDT 2008


Attached are the minutes from the Family Subcommittee's meeting on 8/19. 
Sorry for the wait.

The next meeting will be held on September 17 at 6:00 PM. This meeting 
will be held in the Westgate lounge to give Westgate residents who were 
reluctant to make the trip East an opportunity to voice their concerns 
to the committee.

Note that the date AND location of this meeting are different from what 
was agreed upon at the end of the last meeting. These changes will only 
apply to the September meeting. An email announcement will follow shortly.

Two items already on this meetings agenda:
1) Recent increases of parking permit prices
2) Problems with large, extended families occupying apartments in 
Eastgate and Westgate



Kevin D. Krsulich
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

150 Albany St., NW14-2317        617-258-8580
Cambridge, MA 02139            kdk323 at mit.edu

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