[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Cable survey reminder

Gerald Dalley gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 8 13:46:08 EDT 2006

Comedy Central, anyone?

It has come to our attention that some of the current channels in the MIT
Cable TV line-up are being watched much less than other channels. There is
a possibility to replace one or more of the current Cable TV channels with
channels that may be of more interest to you.

You are invited to voice your channel preferences in the following survey:

    (Current personal MIT certificate required.  Certificates may be
     obtained at http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/certificates/index.html)

The results of this survey have potential to affect rents in all on-campus
dorms. Don't miss this opportunity to be heard. Thank you for taking the

Note: the survey is being run by the Graduate Student Council and the 
Undergraduate Association.  Sidney and Pacific's government has generously
supplied the web resources to host the survey.  This survey is open to all 
on-campus students (and off-campus students who may want to live on-campus 
in the future), both undergrad and grad.

Gerald Dalley
Housing and Community Affairs Co-Chair
Graduate Student Council
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
gsc-hca at mit.edu

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