[Gsc-hca-family] Z-Center Babysitting Interest Survey

Gerald Dalley dalleyg at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 20 16:35:14 EST 2006

I thought I'd send out this draft to everyone before having Kim post  
it to Survey Monkey.  The attached text file is the set of survey  
questions we revised at last night's family subcommittee meeting.  Let  
me know if there are any final suggestions on it.

--Gerald Dalley
   dalleyg at mit.edu

-------------- next part --------------
Title: Z-Center Babysitting Interest Survey

Want to work out but can't arrange babysitting?

The Family Subcommittee of the Graduate Student Council is gauging the interest level in having a babysitting service at the Z-Center.  If provided, this service would be paid for entirely by the participants either through a (small) fee and/or through participation in a babysitting cooperative (where people who work out take turns doing the babysitting at the Z-Center).

1) What is your affiliation with MIT?
  a) I am an MIT student
  b) My spouse/partner is an MIT student
  c) I am a faculty member
  d) A family member is on the faculty
  e) I am a staff member
  f) other

2) Do you and your spouse both have a Z-center memberships?
  a) Yes!
  b) No, it's too expensive.
  c) No, who has time to exercise?
  d) No, I'm just not interested.  Who needs exercise?
  e) No, it's too hard to arrange childcare.
  f) No, other [ fill in box ]

3) Do you have children?
  a) Nope, no children.
  b) 1 child
  c) 2 children
  d) 3+ children

4) Would you be interested in a babysitting service at the Z-center? 
  a) yes
  b) no

5) If there was a babysitting service available, and you and your spouse/partner do NOT both currently have Z-center memberships, would this be a positive factor in your decision to get a Z-center membership?
  a) Not applicable: We both already are members.
  b) Yes!  I would join if a babysitting service were available.
  c) No, I'm not interested in joining the Z-center, even if a babysitting service is available.

6) How often do you workout at the Z-center each week?
  a) A few hours a month
  b) 1 hour a week
  c) 2 hours a week
  d) 3 hours a week
  e) 4 hours a week
  f) 5 hours a week
  g) 6+ hours a week

7) If babysitting were provided at the Z-center, how often would you work out there each week?
  a) A few hours a month
  b) 1 hour a week
  c) 2 hours a week
  d) 3 hours a week
  e) 4 hours a week
  f) 5 hours a week
  g) 6+ hours a week

8) If you are interested in participating in a follow-up survey to look at payment and/or co-op options, please enter your email address here.
  [ email address ]

If you have any additional questions or comments, feel free to contact Pam Smalley (ppsmalley at hotmail.com).

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