[Gsc-hca-childcare-anno] Halloween Parties with kids' activities

Andréa Schmidt aews at MIT.EDU
Sat Oct 15 10:21:38 EDT 2005


Halloween Party and Potluck Dinner
Sponsored by spouses&partners at mit and the MIT Japanese Wives Group

Friday, October 21
6-8 P.M.
Bush Room (10-105)

Please bring a dish to share (10 servings-meat, veggie, salad or

Spouses and children are welcome. 

Trick-or-Treat! Pumpkin Carving! Special games for children
Everyone is encouraged to come in costume.

Questions? Call 3-1614 or email reck at med.mit.edu 
Learn more about spouses&partners at mit at


HALLOWMIT - MIT's Halloween Party
When:    Sunday 10/30 at 3:30pm
Where:    Student Center Lobby (W20), followed by trick or treat at 
Simmons Hall
Who:    Entire MIT Community - students, staff, families, kids.
What:    clowns, jugglers, face paints, balloons, parades, candy, games

and tons of fun for everyone!
Brought to you by:    Westgate EC, Fall Festival Weekend, LEF, Panhel

for details contact westgate-social at mit.edu 


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