[Gsc-hca-childcare-anno] 2-bedroom apartments in Eastgate and Westgate

GSC-HCA Chair gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 1 15:18:57 EDT 2005

Hi families,

Alicia Hunt, who runs the housing lottery, has some important 
information about 2-bedrooms in Eastgate and Westgate for those of you 
who would like to live on-campus starting this summer or in the fall. 
See the message below. Please note that you cannot be fined for putting 
yourself on the waiting list, even if an apartment becomes available and 
you turn it down. If you would like some more information, you can 
contact Alicia directly (iggy at mit.edu).

Andréa Schmidt
GSC-HCA Co-chair

 From Alicia:

Still looking for housing for your family with children?   Do you and 
your family have a month to month lease?  Sign up for the waiting list 
for on-campus housing!  The waiting list for 2-bedroom apartments in 
Westgate and Eastgate is unusually short this summer.
Sign up at: 

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