[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter

Kayla Roberta Storme kstorme at mit.edu
Thu Feb 9 08:15:34 EST 2023

Hi everyone,

We hope you've had a smooth start to the Spring semester! Please enjoy our GSC DEI Newsletter!

1. Taste of Lebanon

The Lebanese club and GSC Activities committee are planning an event called "Taste of Lebanon" next week Wednesday, February 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM in Morss Hall in Walker Memorial. There will be plenty of delicious Lebanese food, including shawarmas and vegan/vegetarian options. We will have Baklava for dessert.

2. Introducing our newest committee members: Evelyne and Eric

Evelyne Ringoot will be serving as our new Vice Chair - Department and Classroom Inclusion and Eric You will be serving as our new Event Coordinator. We'd like to take this opportunity to welcome them to the officer team and have them introduce themselves!

  *   Evelyne Ringoot: Hi everyone, I am a first-year master student in Computational Science and Engineering in the JuliaLab. As part of the GSC DEI committee, I am looking forward to working around the feeling of 'belonging' at MIT for students from diverse backgrounds. When I'm not working on research, you might find me at the ice rink practicing figure skating, in nature hiking or skiing, or just hanging out with friends and exploring Boston.

  *   Eric You: Hi! I am a 1st year PhD student in Chemistry excited to promote and push for more equitable opportunities and inclusive events that celebrate our diverse community. Outside of research, I enjoy running along the Charles, baking cookies, reading mysteries/detective books, or playing videogames.

3. Meetings

We are looking to set a regular schedule for GSC DEI meetings. If you would like your availability to be considered, please fill out the when2meet below by 10 PM ET on Wednesday, February 22nd.

When2meet link: https://www.when2meet.com/?18622614-MNAGt

4. Open Positions

We are still looking for someone to serve as GSC DEI's Secretary! You may learn more about the position (as well as the other officer positions) here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZB3yN_Lrcduayik7vmI7mTyNGJnRKEre8IZGSVC7Gew/edit#heading=h.xckvxpmiwjmy>. If you are interested, please email gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> with a brief statement that includes the position you are interested in and what you hope to work on within that role/with the GSC DEI committee.


Do you have an idea for an event centered around community-building among students and DEI advocacy? Whether it's a supportive meet-and-greet, an informational panel, or anything creative in between, we would love to provide support! Please get in touch with us at gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> to discuss your initiative and potential funding opportunities.

Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=dWszdDZhb2tuZWMyMm5nMzZlZ2psdXNjZHNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>! If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD6FFBRfAHf1ukXeo3DubrU_gP55UbJ1z1NyTQe2tb67jVeQ/viewform>.

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu> here<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gsc-diversity-all>.

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>.

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