[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter

Andrei Iliescu iliescu at mit.edu
Wed Sep 21 10:45:57 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

We hope you’re having a great semester and getting cozy with the cool fall
weather! Please enjoy our first GSC DEI Newsletter of the academic year!

1. GSC Open House (today!)

Join the Graduate Student Council today, Wednesday 9/21, from 5:30 to 7:30
pm in Morss Hall of Walker Memorial for the GSC Open House. Meet the GSC
committees and learn about what we do and how to get involved. Snacks and
refreshments will be provided!

2. Open Positions

We have open positions for the Vice Chair of the Student Life Subcommittee,
the Vice Chair of the Department and Classroom Inclusion Subcommittee, as
well as several Constituency Representatives (C-Reps) and Department
Conduits. Please contact gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu if interested.

Even if the role you are interested in is currently filled, there are
always many projects you could contribute to if you want to get engaged!

3. Grad Student Resource Fair (date TBD, planning meeting this Friday)

The Grad Student Resource Fair in the spring semester was a very successful
event! As a result, GSC DEI is working with other MIT offices to organize
this event once again during the fall semester!

The GSC DEI planning meeting for this event will take place this upcoming
Friday, 9/23 at noon to discuss the distribution of food personal hygiene
products again this year. If interested in attending the planning meeting
or helping, then email us at gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu.

4. Day of Action (October 6th)

On October 6th, students across US universities will be taking action to
demand safe, legal and accessible abortions, gender-affirming care, free
contraception, and mandatory sexual education, among others.

If you want to learn about the nationwide coalition’s efforts check out
their Twitter account <https://twitter.com/GradAction>.

To help plan for the MIT specific event, reach out to former GSC DEI Chair
Bianca Lepe at blepe at mit.edu.

5. Class Action First Gen Summit (November 5th)

Class Action provides a dynamic framework and analysis for people of all
backgrounds to identify and address issues of class and classism and their
intersection with race and racism. The 10th Anniversary First Gen Summit
<https://classism.org/10th-anniversary-first-gen-summit-2022/> will take
place on November 5th at MIT.

If you are looking to get engaged and help plan for the event, reach out to
Adj Marshall at writeadj at mit.edu.


Do you have an idea for an event centered around community-building among
students and DEI advocacy? Whether it’s a supportive meet-and-greet, an
informational panel, or anything creative in between, we would love to
provide support! Please get in touch with us at
gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu to discuss your initiative and potential
funding opportunities.

Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here
If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using
this form

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu here

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please
contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu.
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