[GSC-Diversity-All] [Today @ 2 PM] GSC DEI Monthly Meeting

Kayla Roberta Storme kstorme at mit.edu
Mon Oct 17 09:32:44 EDT 2022

Hello Everyone,

This is a friendly reminder that we will be meeting today, October 17th at 2 PM. We will provide Dunkin' to those who attend in person in W20-491! There will also be a Zoom option (info in previous email below).

Kind regards,

From: Kayla Roberta Storme
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 4:38 PM
To: gsc-diversity-all <gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu>
Cc: 'gsc-diversity-leaders at mit.edu' <gsc-diversity-leaders at mit.edu>; Lauren McLean <laurenm at mit.edu>
Subject: [Oct. 17 @ 2 PM] GSC DEI Monthly Meeting

Hello Everyone,

GSC DEI will hold our next monthly meeting on Monday, October 17th at 2 PM ET in room W20-491 (student center) for those who would like to attend in person. Zoom information is below for those who would like to join virtually. For this meeting, we will provide some snacks and drinks from Dunkin' Donuts to those who are attending in person.

We will hear updates from committee members and our constituency reps of ongoing events and activities as well as discuss our plans for International Education Week to gather input on what resources and support GSC DEI should be providing to students and student groups who want to host events and activities for this. The tentative agenda can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yDQKd0Eu3AD-rJQ7hxyRuQ-nI3bZ9bxvskuxBODoY08/edit?usp=sharing

Kind regards,
Kayla Storme

Graduate Student Council Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (GSC DEI) Committee Chair
Ph.D. Candidate | Swager<https://swagergroup.mit.edu/> and Smith<https://smithlab.mit.edu/> Labs
Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM)
Department of Chemistry
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pronouns: she, her, hers

Kayla Storme is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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