[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Weekly Newsletter

Andrei Iliescu iliescu at mit.edu
Tue Mar 1 12:43:48 EST 2022

Hi everyone,

Happy March! Please enjoy our latest GSC DEI Newsletter!

General GSC DEI

1. Tax Workshops at MIT

MIT will host two virtual Tax Workshops for students today, Tuesday, March
1, 2022.

   7pm Workshop
for Non-residents for tax purposes

   8pm Workshop
for U.S. Citizens/Residents for tax purposes

More information can be found here

Additionally, the ISO has updated their taxes webpage
<https://iso.mit.edu/maintaining-status/taxes/> to reflect updated links to
MIT and additional resources on filing income tax returns for the 2021
calendar year.

2.  PKG Fellowship Program for Summer 2022

The PKG Fellowships program
<https://pkgcenter.mit.edu/programs/fellowships/pkg-fellowships/> supports
MIT students working on capacity-building social impact and community
engagement projects. Students work with community-focused organizations
including non-profits and social enterprises. These can include a student's
own social enterprise.

We welcome a wide range of social impact projects and support work with
communities in the US and abroad.

3. Community Innovation Fund

The Community Innovation Fund, sponsored by Chancellor Nobles, is offering
grants of up to $10,000 to students, faculty, and staff members. This year,
the Fund is looking to support a broad range of projects that support
wellbeing and connection at MIT, including projects that support DEI
efforts! The application will be open until March 18. More information
about the fund and the application, as well as information about the info
sessions, can be found here: https://mindhandheart.mit.edu/innovationfund.

4. DEI Conference Grant

GSC DEI is excited to announce funding to cover travel, hotel
accommodations, and registration fees for DEI- and identity-related
conferences! If you plan to apply for funding to attend a DEI- or
identity-related conference, you can apply through the GSC Conference Grant
<https://mitgscapp.knack.com/funding#applications/conference-grant/> and
mark “Yes” to the question asking if it is a DEI/Identity-related
conference. Applications will be reviewed by the GSC DEI officer team and
will be available during the same cycles as the regular GSC Conference Grant
<https://gsc.mit.edu/funding/conference-grant/>. If you have any questions,
please reach out to gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu.

5. Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program 2022

Propel Postdoctoral Scholars Program: Inclusive training for outstanding
postdoctoral scholars focused on academic careers. Application now open;
deadline to apply is May 1, 2022 (Sunday).

Launched in 2021 at the Stanford School of Medicine, the Propel
Postdoctoral Scholars Program
seeks to attract and train talented postdocs who would bring diversity
(broadly defined) to the future professoriate in the biological,
biomedical, and population-based sciences.

To learn more about Propel and our application process, please visit:

6. 2022 MIT Chemistry Future Faculty Symposium

MIT Chemistry announced the inaugural Future Faculty in Chemistry Symposium
aimed at postdoctoral fellows who have demonstrated contributions to
enhancing DEI in STEM! This opportunity is not limited to postdoctoral
fellows in the chemistry department. More information and the application
for the May 17-18 virtual symposium here

7. MIT Panel: Transitioning from Academia to Industry

Graduate Women at MIT (GW at MIT), in collaboration with Dow, are organizing a
panel discussion on heloping  graduate women in science understand and
approach the workforce. Please see the attached poster for more information.

Department and Classroom Inclusion

Are you looking to get more involved with GSC DEI and help get your
department connected to our DEI community? We are looking for more conduits
from departments across MIT schools to help us learn about the needs of
individual departments and inform our plans moving forward. If you are
interested in serving as a GSC DEI conduit for your department or know
someone who might be, contact us as gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu.

Conduits are graduate student representatives who are interested in DEI
efforts in their departments. Conduits attend a couple of meetings per
semester where we engage in discussion around ongoing DEI efforts. Overall,
it’s a great way to join a network of students interested in DEI and share
institutionalized knowledge and best practices across departments.

Student Life

Do you have an idea for an event centered around community-building among
students and DEI advocacy? Whether it’s a supportive meet-and-greet, an
informational panel, or anything creative in between, we would love to
provide support! Please get in touch with us at
gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu to discuss your initiative and potential
funding opportunities.


Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here
If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using
this form

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu here

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please
contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu.
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