[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter

Madeline Elizabeth Dery derym at mit.edu
Mon Mar 22 20:57:50 EDT 2021

Hi all,

Please enjoy the latest edition of the GSC DEI Newsletter!

General GSC DEI

Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=dWszdDZhb2tuZWMyMm5nMzZlZ2psdXNjZHNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>! If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD6FFBRfAHf1ukXeo3DubrU_gP55UbJ1z1NyTQe2tb67jVeQ/viewform>.

Follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/gsc_dei?lang=en> and Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/gsc_dei/?hl=en>! @GSC_DEI

We have one open Constituency Representative (C-Rep) position for students with disabilities. Please contact gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> if interested.

We have an opening for a paid Surveys & Data Analysis Graduate Community Fellow (information below):

When: Accepting applications now

Contact: jlandry at mit.edu<mailto:jlandry at mit.edu>

URL: https://oge.mit.edu/community/gcf/<https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cdee009ad27356d631e8ca5b8&id=9ea59dcacd&e=a08b8f8fbd>

  *   Graduate Community Fellowship position now open for Surveys & Data Analysis Fellow

  *   Work with GSC-DEI Committee and Institutional Research

  *   Duration: now – May 31, 2022

  *   Commitment 10 hours/week, compensation $675/month. Some eligibility restrictions apply.

  *   Professional development with quantitative+qualitative data with MIT Institutional Research
  *   Collect, analyze, and report on MIT’s climate data and craft your own projects
  *   Details and application instructions available here:http://odge.mit.edu/community/gcf/<https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cdee009ad27356d631e8ca5b8&id=2e9477dc7f&e=a08b8f8fbd>
Questions? Contact Jessica Landry -jlandry at mit.edu<mailto:jlandry at mit.edu>

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu> here<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gsc-diversity-all>.

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>.

MIT's DEI at MIT Strategic Action Plan Steering Committee will be doing community engagements sessions starting in mid-March. If you are interested in giving feedback to the university's diversity, equity, and inclusion plan - please let the GSC DEI Chair know (blepe at mit.edu<mailto:blepe at mit.edu>).

Stop Asian Hate, in Solidarity
The Graduate Student Council Executive Committee expresses our heartbreak following the murder of eight people, six of whom were Asian women, just outside of Atlanta Tuesday night. This tragedy lies at the intersection of white supremacy, misogyny and xenophobia. We stand in solidarity with our Asian graduate students as we collectively work towards dismantling systems of oppression.

Anti-Asian racism has no place in our community. As the United States continues to see an increase in anti-Asian violence and racist rhetoric during the pandemic, we must remember to challenge anti-Asian racism by speaking up and taking action. These actions include:

  *   Familiarizing ourselves with the enduring anti-Asian prejudice within the US
  *   Dismantling prejudicial assumptions, including the model minority myth
  *   Supporting Asian-led community based organizations
  *   Learning from and amplifying the voices of Asian activists around work to protect Asian communities
  *   Intervening when we can to prevent harm to Asian communities
As a community of researchers, we encourage disrupting the rise of bigotry. We will not be complicit; instead we will stand together to condemn and take action against anti-Asian hate. As Fannie Lou Hamer, an American civil rights activist, said, "Nobody’s free until everybody’s free."

Resources supporting Asian communities:

  *   Anti-Asian Violence Resources<https://anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co/>
  *   Reporting hate crimes at Stop AAPI Hate<https://stopaapihate.org/>
  *   Active bystander techniques to de-escalate hate<https://www.ihollaback.org/>
  *   Asian Mental Health Collective<https://www.asianmhc.org/apisaa>
  *   61 Ways to Donate in Support of Asian Communities<https://nymag.com/strategist/article/where-to-donate-to-help-asian-communities-2021.html>

MIT Resources:

  *   MIT Mental Health and Counseling: 617-253-2916 (days), 617-253-4481 (nights & weekends)
  *   Institute Community Equity Officer (ICEO): John Dozier, jdozier at mit.edu<mailto:jdozier at mit.edu>
  *   Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response Office (IDHR): idhr at mit.edu<mailto:idhr at mit.edu>
     *   File a report<https://idhr.mit.edu/fileincidentreport> on incidents of discrimination and discriminatory harassment
  *   Office of Graduate Education: 617-253-4860, grad-edu at mit.edu<mailto:grad-edu at mit.edu>
     *   GradSupport: gradsupport at mit.edu<mailto:gradsupport at mit.edu>
  *   GSC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee: gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>
     *   Please feel free to send us any concerns or ideas regarding racial equity and justice on campus. We welcome students who want to get involved!

gwaMIT statement of Solidarity (#StopAsianHate):

We were shocked and deeply saddened by the hate crimes recently committed in Atlanta. We mourn the loss of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, Yong Ae Yue, and Paul Andre Michels. We hold their families and loved ones in our thoughts, and acknowledge the pain, heartbreak, and fear that these events have caused within our communities.

The situation in Atlanta has drawn national attention to a long-standing history of misogyny and racism against Asian Americans. These events underscore that the experience of womxn of color is often one where race- and gender-based discrimination cannot be separated. gwaMIT is dedicated to advocating for programs and policies that recognize the diversity of lived experiences among womxn, and to working toward an equitable and just future.

Please feel free to contact gwaMIT’s advocacy co-chairs, Garima Sharma (gsharma at mit.edu<mailto:gsharma at mit.edu>) and Devaki Sakhamuru (devaki at mit.edu<mailto:devaki at mit.edu>), who are here to listen and advocate for your needs at MIT.

 In solidarity,

The gwaMIT Executive board

gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu>

Student Life

The Latinx Virtual Leadership Experience Conference will be held March 27, 2021. If you’re interested in attending and identify as LGBTQ+, LBGTQ+ Services can fund the conference ticket for you! Please email lbgt at mit.edu<mailto:lbgt at mit.edu> with your interest, and whether you’re an undergraduate or a graduate student (since there are separate funding applications for both groups).

Save the date for the Boston Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, & Sexuality @ MIT conference: Radical Love Across Difference! The conference will be held virtually April 9-11, 2021. For more information and to sign up to attend, visit https://www.gcws.mit.edu/.

Join the International Support Network!

International Student Support mailing list URL: https://groups.mit.edu/webmoira/list/international-support-network

Contact: international-support-admin at mit.edu<mailto:international-support-admin at mit.edu>

Recent Developments have highlighted the lack of support and heightened concern among the international community at MIT. MIT COVID Relief has created a new mailing list to share information, provide each other support, and organize future town halls. Join the mailing list international-support-network at mit.edu<mailto:international-support-network at mit.edu> at the above URL. All members of the MIT community are welcome! For more MIT COVID Relief news, see https://twitter.com/mitcovidrelief.



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