[GSC-Diversity-All] call for performers: 2021 SAAM SLAM Apr 30th @7pm

Madeline Elizabeth Dery derym at mit.edu
Sun Apr 25 12:15:04 EDT 2021


This year, SAAM SLAM will be held on April 30th at 7:00 ET via Zoom.

SAAM SLAM is an open mic about identity for Sexual Assault awareness month. Join the UA Student Wellness Committee, Student Advocates for Survivors, The MIT Monologues, and IFC-SHARE, in cooperation with VPR, for a night of poetry and prose (and any other form of auditory expression) about identity and self-expression. Come just to listen, or perform spoken word written by yourself or another writer. If you wish to perform an original piece or a piece by another author that you really like, fill out this form<http://tiny.cc/saam-slam-subs> so we can coordinate with you.

Please note that self-written pieces should have no identifying information, and all pieces can serve as a mode for participants’ to share aspects about their identity, modes of self-expression, and/or previous experiences. Submissions can be poetry, prose, spoken word, or song. We may not be able to accommodate all submissions if we receive an overwhelming number of responses, but will try our best to accept as many as we can.

We will follow-up with you in order to coordinate logistics and may reach out in case we have any concerns about your submission meeting the event guidelines.

This event is a collaboration between VPR, MIT Monologues, SAS, and UA Wellness. Feel free to reach out to ua-wellness-chairs at mit.edu with any questions!  If you ever feel like you need support, please reach out to VPR Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm EST through their hotline: 617-253-2300.

We are so excited to hear your stories.

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