[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter
Madeline Elizabeth Dery
derym at mit.edu
Fri Nov 6 18:54:58 EST 2020
Hi everyone!
We hope everyone is taking some time for self-care this week. Please enjoy the latest edition of the GSC DEI newsletter!
General GSC DEI
Check out our new Google Calendar that includes all of our events here<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=dWszdDZhb2tuZWMyMm5nMzZlZ2psdXNjZHNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>!
We are seeking a group of Fellows with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and life histories for the DEI Graduate Fellows program. The DEI Graduate Fellows are a cohort of 30 MIT graduate students seeking to create a more equitable, inclusive, and engaging MIT community. This program is sponsored by the Graduate Student Council Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (GSC DEI), the Office of Graduate Education (OGE), MindHandHeart (MHH), and the Institute Community and Equity Office (ICEO). We have a few more spaces for Fellows to apply, if you are interested in participating in this program please see this application<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdLf7ET8n0FM6AGSblkl9m4NvncBhA1Uv-v11LXf1n4JaRcw/viewform> for more information! Applications are due by November 17, 2020.
Department and Classroom Inclusion
We are excited to announce that our GSC DEI Recommendations Scorecard has been published on our website<https://gsc.mit.edu/committees/diversity/gsc-dei-recommendations-scorecard/> as well as the RISE website<https://www.rise4mit.com/dept-scorecard>! The GSC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has collected lists of recommendations presented across a majority of the departments at MIT. These recommendations are made by students to their department administration in response to #ShutDownStem<https://www.shutdownstem.com/> discussions that took across MIT on June 10, 2020. This scorecard both compiles all the departmental recommendation lists in one place, and tracks progress of their implementation. We recognize the significant work being done across MIT towards building an equitable, diverse and inclusive community. We hope that the Departmental Recommendations Scorecard will further this work by serving as an accountability tool and encouraging the sharing of ideas across campus.
Student Life
The MLK Celebration Planning Committee is requesting your input to help pick the next MLK Keynote speaker for our community’s celebration this coming February of the life and legacy of Dr. King. Follow this survey link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfA_KMhso3V3obyr8M4VFRivtOCx_7u6NduWVGtCIKw5CkdvQ/viewform?usp=sf_link> to let them know who you’d most like to hear from! We encourage you to also share this with other students who may be interested.
The ORSEL chaplains and student faith groups on campus are here to support you through any election or pandemic anxiety if you need it! Please see the attached document for resources available to graduate students for faith, religion, and ethics.
The Latinx Virtual Leadership Experience Conference will be held March 27, 2021. If you’re interested in attending and identify as LGBTQ+, LBGTQ+ Services can fund the conference ticket for you! Please email lbgt at mit.edu with your interest, and whether you’re an undergraduate or a graduate student (since there are separate funding applications for both groups).
The Institute Community & Equity Office is hosting a variety of public guest lectures on the Black experience - check them out here<https://diversity.mit.edu/events>! Zoom link to register here<https://mit.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqcO-hrz8qGtDBsu_3dCAa5QAi3_x-VnWp>.
* Nov. 10th: Walking while Black I: Prof. Elijah Anderson
* Nov. 17th: Walking while Black II: Topher Sanders
The MIT International Students Office is hosting their “Navigating MIT” Series<https://calendar.mit.edu/department/mit_international_students_office> in the coming weeks (also open for non-international students to attend). RSVP here<https://tinyurl.com/y5d4jmm>!
* Nov. 13th 10am: Effective stress management during COVID-19
We have two open Constituency Representative (C-Rep) positions for first generation/low income students and students with disabilities. Please contact gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> if interested.
Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu here<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gsc-diversity-all>.
For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>.
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