[GSC-Diversity-All] End of the Year GSC DEI Newsletter
Madeline Elizabeth Dery
derym at mit.edu
Fri Dec 18 18:09:03 EST 2020
Hi all,
Happy Holidays<https://media.giphy.com/media/S6aZDo7RrXPZynSMpr/giphy.gif> and Happy End of the Semester<https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-week-bookish-pWCYY9yODcBQ4>! For those in the Boston area, we hope you get a chance to enjoy the recent snow<https://giphy.com/gifs/snow-cat-SAC0wTRQYO2Y0>! Stay warm<https://giphy.com/gifs/sloth-sloths-slothilda-l3nWhS8OtCO4OambK>!
General GSC DEI
Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=dWszdDZhb2tuZWMyMm5nMzZlZ2psdXNjZHNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>! If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD6FFBRfAHf1ukXeo3DubrU_gP55UbJ1z1NyTQe2tb67jVeQ/viewform>.
Department and Classroom Inclusion
This was our first semester trying out the bi-weekly conduit meet-ups/discussions. Each meeting focused on separate DEI topics such as graduate application assistance programs, graduate admissions, and diversity officers/committees. They were all really wonderful, informative, and helpful! We will continue our conduit meetings at the beginning of February. If you have any comments and/or feedback about our conduit meetings or ideas for future discussions, please let us know! (send feedback/ideas to Erica Salazar ericasal at mit.edu<mailto:ericasal at mit.edu>). We hope everyone has a wonderful winter break and we wish you all the best in the next year!!!! See everyone in February!
Student Life
Next semester there will be a Showcase to Celebrate Female Entrepreneurship! Estimated date is Monday, March 8th, 2021 (International Women’s Day). If you are interested in learning more, participating, or helping out, please see the event proposal at the end of this email. We would also like to highlight a female founded startup that was just launched by members of the MIT community, Parabell Beauty<https://parabellbeauty.com/>.
The Latinx Virtual Leadership Experience Conference will be held March 27, 2021. If you’re interested in attending and identify as LGBTQ+, LBGTQ+ Services can fund the conference ticket for you! Please email lbgt at mit.edu with your interest, and whether you’re an undergraduate or a graduate student (since there are separate funding applications for both groups).
Save the date for the Boston Consortium for Graduate Studies in Gender, Culture, Women, & Sexuality @ MIT conference: Radical Love Across Difference! The conference will be held virtually April 9-11, 2021. For more information and to sign up to attend, visit https://www.gcws.mit.edu/.
Join the International Support Network!
International Student Support mailing list URL: https://groups.mit.edu/webmoira/list/international-support-network
Contact: international-support-admin at mit.edu<mailto:international-support-admin at mit.edu>
Recent Developments have highlighted the lack of support and heightened concern among the international community at MIT. MIT COVID Relief has created a new mailing list to share information, provide each other support, and organize future town halls. Join the mailing list international-support-network at mit.edu<mailto:international-support-network at mit.edu> at the above URL. All members of the MIT community are welcome! For more MIT COVID Relief news, see https://twitter.com/mitcovidrelief.
We have two open Constituency Representative (C-Rep) positions for first generation/low income students and students with disabilities. Please contact gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> if interested.
Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu here<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gsc-diversity-all>.
For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>.
Event Proposal
Nov 11th, 2020
For Showcase to Celebrate Female Entrepreneurship
Ashley Ann Thomas (Senior, MIT Course 14)
Devaki Sakhamuru (2nd year, MIT SDM)
Event Title: TBD
Estimated Date: Monday, March 8th, 2021(International Women’s Day)
Background Information: Women are faced with unique challenges in the start-up world: funding gap, gender bias etc. For example, male only founders raised 195 billion dollars in funding while female only founders raised 6 billion dollars in 2019. In addition to this, women face more doubts about their credibility as a leader due to biases. These issues make running a start-up even more difficult for women. Despite these challenges, women founded business are thriving. Despite the severe funding gap, startups founded and cofounded by women generated 10% more in cumulative revenue over a five-year period. Additionally, women founded companies in First Round Capital’s portfolio outperformed companies founded by men by 63%. If women didn’t have to face all these challenges, imagine what more they could do?
Purpose: We would like to continue tackling these issues by having a female focused showcase event. At this event, we will celebrate female entrepreneurs at MIT and invite stakeholders that focus on and promote women led businesses. Women don’t have to worry about being overlooked by their male counterparts at this showcase. They will get the attention and respect that they deserve.
Overview: The event will be spilt into three parts.
· The first part will be educational. It will be a very brief presentation about the resources for female entrepreneurs at MIT and beyond. We will also have a specific section about opportunities targeted to women of color.
· The second part will be celebrational. We want to have 30 selected female led Start-up teams at MIT present their projects. We have two 1-hour sessions where 15 teams breakout into Zoom rooms during each 1 hour slots to present their projects to visitors and network.
· The final part of the event is inspirational. We want to have three MIT female alumni talk about their experiences in the start-up world. The first speaker could be five years out and still in the trenches. The 2nd speaker could be ten years out and married with kids. The final speaker could be a woman with kids in college and 15-20 years of experience. We can have these women in the start-up space talk about what made them take the leap and where they are now in order to inspire the next generation of female entrepreneurs.
Targeted Audience: We want to target women at MIT (currently undergrads, grads, PhD, or postdoc candidates) who are already involved in the start-up space or are new but interested in running their own start-ups someday.
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